Sunday, May 22, 2011

Rumors: Apple's iPad 3 Release Date & Features..

Apple’s iPad is holding over 80% market share of US tablet market.  Not only in US but across the world, people have gone crazy to have New iPad 2. Although being best tablet ever Apple’s followers are still looking for even great iPad 3 and eagerly exploring the internet for iPad 3 Release Date.  Nowadays there are numerous rumors about iPad 3 have been spread the market; of course it is about iPad 3 Release date and Features.

Various source are predicting that iPad 3 Release date would be somewhere in September 2011. The Apple employee said, “They had a number of problems along the way, and the third-generation iPad is the one to make a song and dance about.”
John Gruber, Apple watcher is supporting the statement by adding that the iPad 3 release date will be in September. He also stated in his blog, “Summer feels like a long time away. If my theory is right, they’re not only going to be months behind the iPad 2, but if they slip until late summer, they might bump up against the release of the iPad 3. And not only did they announce this with a distant ship date, they did it with no word on pricing.” On other hand Apple’s CEO, Steve Jobs Says 2011 is Year Of The iPad 2.
The Apple iPad 2 got such a huge response that Apple is unable to meet its demand. Let us assume that iPad 3 will release in September 2011 in US however UK buyer will get chance to see iPad 3 after a month or two.

iPad 3 Features Expectation:
  • Retina Display: People were expecting Retina Display with iPad 2; but new iPad made them disappoint with the same display of previous iPad. Now followers are waiting for iPad 3 with Retina Display. There is a rumor that iPad 3 may offers resolution of 2048X1536.

  • SD card slot: People are expecting revolution in Apple iPad 3 with SD card slot. Hopefully Apple may introduce SD card slot with iPad 3

  • Improved HDMI: Yes iPad 2 also supports HDMI playback but you need to have Apple Digital AV Adapter, and that is too at additional cost of $39. So it is much expected from iPad 3 to have HDMI port that eliminates additional requirement of HDMI cable.

  • Camera flash: Camera with the Flash is long awaited feature of iPad, people were expecting iPad 2 to have Camera flash, now we would be wonder if iPad 3 will not have Camera with Flash.

  • Thunderbolt: The iPad 3 may have Thunderbolt port. That will offer power, Video and data connectivity using the same connector at lightning speed.

  • Wireless Synchronize: People are expecting iPad 3 to offer wireless sync of content rather than traditional wired connectivity.

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